Early-stage startup setup: outstanding developers + hot ramen = $475

We’ve made hiring outstanding developers possible for young startups

4 min readJul 30, 2019

Let’s start with the words of the Messiah of all startups from the essay “Startups in 13 Sentences” by Paul Graham:

Spend little (Amen!)
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for a startup to be cheap. Most startups fail before they make something people want, and the most common form of failure is running out of money. So being cheap is (almost) interchangeable with iterating rapidly. But it’s more than that. A culture of cheapness keeps companies young in something like the way exercise keeps people young.

Although we’ve been accusing Graham of being wrong lately, he’s often right. It’s just that after years, many of his essays are not outdated, but require interpretation.

“Spend little” today mostly means “hire remote”.

What do you spend most of your investment on? Hiring people. What does the success of a worthwhile idea depend on? On the strongest specialists gathered in one team. How much do the best specialists in the Valley cost? At this very moment, that question is making bank accounts quiver in fear and purse strings tighten. Why do most startups fail? Because they run out of money.

Let’s reread Graham’s commandment one more time: “Most startups fail before they make something people want, and the most common form of failure is running out of money.”

We, 6nomads, are a true startup and we understand the problems of young, hot-blooded founders from within. Over the 10 months of our existence, we have grown and strengthened our positions: we have become recognizable in the startup community, we fill tech positions for startups from Tel Aviv to San Francisco. Since we can already afford ramen, we have decided to pay it forward and help the startup community “Get ramen profitable” — not just with words, but actions.

“Ramen profitable” means a startup makes just enough to pay the founders’ living expenses. It’s not rapid prototyping for business models (though it can be), but more a way of hacking the investment process. Once you cross over into ramen profitable, it completely changes your relationship with investors. It’s also great for morale.

With the understanding of this importance, we are launching our Early Stage Program for companies that currently have up to $1M in funding and are less than 2 years old. For startups that meet these criteria, our service will be 10 times cheaper than for large businesses — $475 per hire.

Thanks to our all-in-one remote hiring platform, you can afford to expand your team, implement the idea faster, keep up the momentum, and get recoupment. We offer you an “Uber for Hiring”. Instead of a personal driver, we offer personalized fast hiring solutions. Uber is cheaper, but solves the problem of reaching point B in a way that is equally efficient, yet, faster, in a true startup spirit. Though, if you take into account convenience and speed of service, quality of expert reviews, and our matching system, consider our service Uber Copter with a ride from Manhattan to JFK for the price of an Uber X.

It is difficult for us to imagine that young startups will turn to recruiters and agencies for hiring needs. It’s like buying goods from a telemarketer in 2019 or checking the weather by turning on The Weather Channel. Traditional recruiting is morally and technically outdated and poisons the rest of the startup processes with its medieval age and speed. Time = money, quality professionals = money, but recruiters take money, spend a lot of time and rarely give you the people you need.

We want those who have not yet to suffer the harmful influence of recruiters to have no need to turn to them at all. Young companies have been using modern convenient services for a long time instead of hiring a regular accountants or lawyers. Today your accountant Pilot, and lawyer is Upcounsel. In the same way, instead of hiring an HR team or keeping overly extended communication with recruiters, startups use 6nomads.

Five steps not to postpone, but to act as long as the offer is relevant:

1. Create account
2. Apply for Early Stage
3. Start trial
4. Join hiring-sprints:

Frontend — 1st and 15th
Backend — 5th and 20th
Design — 10th and 25th of each month
(We streamline a list of great candidates and launch a sprint every 2 weeks with 6 new specialists)
5. Choose your preferred candidate for just $475 from options located around the world.

It’s so natural to launch a global company with an international remote team from scratch.

UPD: Promotion completed.




6nomads.com — a new kind of recruitment service focusing on remote tech companies.